I have made several substantive additions to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use for the site, adding three important points:
- If you provide us [via email or contact form] with factual information or offer corrections or clarifications pertaining to Ate Up With Motor content or in response to a question we have posted on the website or its associated social media accounts, we will presume that you are authorizing us to reflect the factual substance of your message in the applicable content (for example, to make the noted correction or incorporate a point of fact such as a specification or production figure) unless you specifically indicate otherwise. We will not otherwise quote, excerpt, or otherwise republish your message without your prior authorization.
- In the event that [a comment you post] contains factual information pertaining to Ate Up With Motor content (for example, if you offer a correction or clarification of some error or ambiguous point), you authorize Ate Up With Motor to reflect the factual substance of your comment (for example, to make the noted correction) in the applicable content.
- Acknowledgments of User Assistance and Information:
- If you provide us (whether via comment, contact form, email, or other means) with significant assistance with Ate Up With Motor content (for example, if you supply images, suggest useful resources, or offer substantial factual corrections) or assist us in the resolution of a technical issue, we may elect to acknowledge you by name or username, generally in the “Acknowledgments” or “Notes on Sources” section of the applicable article(s), unless you have specifically asked us not to or if the context of your communications with us reasonably suggests that you prefer not to be acknowledged or identified.
- In the event that you have received such an acknowledgment here or on Ate Up With Motor’s associated social media accounts and would like us to remove it, please contact us via email at aseverson (at) ateupwithmotor (dot) com or the Contact Form and we will promptly delete the applicable acknowledgment(s). If you wish to alter or correct the acknowledgment (for example, to replace a username with your real name or vice versa), we will make our best efforts to accommodate your request so long as it does not infringe on the rights of others or attempt to impersonate some other individual or organization.
For the most part, I would think all three points would be implicit, but I decided it would be helpful to reflect them in the written policies. I am constantly grateful for the generous assistance I’ve received from users and the last thing I want is for any of you to feel slighted. As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.