(Archived) Privacy Policy for the Facebook Page for Ate Up With Motor

This is an archived HTML conversion of the separate privacy policy for the now-deactivated Facebook Page for Ate Up With Motor as of December 10, 2018 (the final version of that policy prior to the deletion of our Facebook account and the consequent deactivation of that Page), originally published here. For the current Ate Up With Motor Privacy Policy that applies to THIS website and its related services, click here!

NOTE: The HTML conversion may have introduced certain discrepancies between this archived version of the policy and the version originally published on the Facebook Page for Ate Up With Motor. In the event of any substantive discrepancy between the two, the version published on the Facebook Page shall govern and control. (Facebook is a trademark of Meta Platforms, Inc.; Meta is a trademark of Meta Platforms, Inc.)

This Privacy Policy explains how Ate Up With Motor uses personal information on the Ate Up With Motor Facebook page (the “Page”). Please read this policy before “Liking” the Page.

NOTE: This policy was adapted from the Automattic Inc. Privacy Policy (https://automattic.com/privacy/) under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/). Our adaptation and additions are offered under the same license.

Who and Where “We” Are

For the purposes of these Terms of Use, “we,” “us” and “our” shall be deemed to signify Aaron Severson dba Ate Up With Motor, located at 11100 National Bl. #3, Los Angeles, CA 90064, in the United States.

What this Policy Covers

This policy applies only to the Ate Up With Motor Facebook page (the “Page”). Use of the Ate Up With Motor website is subject to the website’s separate Privacy Policy, which you can find at https://ateupwithmotor.com/privacy-policy/.

Information We Collect

We collect information through the Page only if we have a reason to do so. For example, we may need to communicate with you, to respond to your inquiries, or to improve the Page.

Legal Bases for Collecting and Using Information

Under European Union (EU) data protection law, our legal grounds for collecting and using your information are as follows:

  • The use is necessary to provide some of the functions of the Page, such as responding to messages, or;
  • The use is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation (such as our need to keep records of image use authorizations or other permissions you give us), or;
  • We have a legitimate interest in using your information — for example, to conduct research into the subjects of our articles, to better understand user reaction to our work, or to improve the quality of our articles based on corrections and feedback, or;
  • You have given us your consent.

Information Facebook Provides

Facebook provides us with a variety of personally identifying and non-personally identifying information and statistics about this Page and its visitors. For instance, we receive notifications when you “Like” or “react” to a post or a comment, and we receive periodic reports of information such as the number of people who have seen a post or the number of total number of people who have “Liked” the Page. Ate Up With Motor may use or record this information to help us better understand how visitors use this Page.

From time to time, Ate Up With Motor may release some non-personally identifying or aggregate information provided to us by Facebook, e.g., by publishing a report on trends in the usage of the Page or how many people have seen or shared a particular post. We may display this information publicly or provide it to others. However, such a report will contain only aggregate or dis-identified data.

We do not use any other automated mechanism or analytics tools to collect data on Facebook users.


A cookie is a string of information that a website stores on a visitor’s computer or device and that the visitor’s browser provides to the website each time the visitor returns. The Ate Up With Motor Page does not place or use any cookies other than those used by Facebook itself or by embedded content providers (see the section below). We do not have access to visitor information Facebook gathers through such cookies except as described in “Page Visitors” above.

Embedded Content

From time to time, posts we or other users make or share on this Page may incorporate embedded content from external websites (such as videos hosted on sites like YouTube). Viewing, accessing, or interacting with such embedded content typically allows the hosting website to gather information about you just as if you were viewing the content on that external website. Embedded content usually allows the external website to record your IP address (and from that your geographical location) and user agent information (which reveals what operating system and web browser you use, and may also include additional data such as your language preferences and browser settings). Embedded content may also place cookies on your device, check to see if you have certain cookies on your device/browser (for example, to determine if you’re currently a logged-in user of that external site), determine if you have certain browser add-ons (such as ad blockers), or use other mechanisms to gather information about you. All this information is gathered and processed by the external website (and in some cases by Facebook), not by us. We don’t have access to the information gathered by embedded content providers, and their privacy practices are beyond our control.

Gathering of Personally Identifying Information

Visitors may choose to interact with the Page in ways that require us to gather personally identifying information. The amount and type of information that we gather depends on the nature of the interaction. For example, if you send us a message on Facebook (either through the Page or to us personally), that message will include your name and certain other profile information, such as your default profile photo. In each case, Ate Up With Motor collects such information only insofar as is necessary or appropriate to fulfill the purpose of your interaction with us, or where we deem that information reasonably necessary for our legal protection and/or security (e.g., to protect against spam, fraud, abuse, and electronic attacks directed at us or our users).

For example, if you ask us to contact you outside of Facebook and provide your email address, we will record your name, email address, and the nature of your request for that purpose. We may save copies of that information in notes, records, or backup archives outside of Facebook.

We do not disclose personally identifying information other than as described below. However, the nature of Facebook is such that certain actions will result in your information becoming publicly visible. For example, if you make a post on the Page wall or “Like” a specific post or comment, your name and certain other public information in your profile will be visible to anyone who visits the Page.

Use of Information in Posts, Comments, and Messages

If you post information on this Page (whether in a post or a comment) or send us information through a message (either to this Page or to our personal Facebook account) related to one or more past, current, or projected future Ate Up With Motor articles, we may record that information, along with your name and the date, for our files and records, either on or outside of Facebook.

Unless you indicate otherwise, we will assume that by posting or submitting such information to us, you are authorizing us to use, copy, or publish the factual substance of that information in any relevant Ate Up With Motor articles. For example, if you send us a message offering factual corrections to a current article, we will assume that you are authorizing us to make those corrections in the article and to make a copy of your corrections for our reference outside of Facebook.
If you send us a request (for example, asking a question regarding this policy), we reserve the right to publish it in order to help us clarify or respond to your request or to help us support other users.
If you have previously communicated with us via this Page or otherwise on Facebook, we may occasionally contact you via Facebook to follow up on your original message, confirm or clarify information you have provided, solicit your feedback or suggestions, or keep you up to date on what’s going on with Ate Up With Motor or our website. You may ask us to cease such contacts at anytime.

Acknowledgment of User Assistance

If you have provided us with information or corrections for an Ate Up With Motor article or offered some other useful assistance, we may include an acknowledgment either on this Page or in the acknowledgments or bibliography of the relevant article — e.g., “Special thanks to John Doe for clarifying the difference between the two models” — unless you (i) specifically ask us not to do so or (ii) the nature of your communication with us reasonably suggests that you wish to remain anonymous.

If we have published such an acknowledgment, we will promptly remove it (or replace your name with a pseudonym) if you ask us to do so.

Notification and Processing Outside of Facebook

Facebook may transmit some information about Page visitors to us (e.g., notifications of new comments or messages, or summaries of recent visitor-related insights) via email and/or SMS text messages.
Even where it is not emailed to us by Facebook, we may store or process some or all of the information we gather through this Page in our offline records or archives outside of Facebook.

Data Retention

We normally retain data gathered through or related to this Page indefinitely unless we have a specific reason to delete it. For a more detailed discussion on our rationales for retaining data related to Ate Up With Motor, see the Data Retention section of the website Privacy Policy: https://ateupwithmotor.com/privacy-policy/#Retention.

Your Rights

If you are located in certain countries, including those that fall under the scope of the European General Data Protection Regulation (aka the “GDPR”), data protection laws give you rights with respect to your personal data, subject to any exemptions provided by the law, including the rights to:

  • Request access to your personal data
  • Request correction or deletion of your personal data
  • Request that we limit our use and processing of your personal data
  • Request portability of your personal data
  • Make a complaint to the applicable government supervisory authority.

Starting in January 2020, California state law gives residents of that state similar rights over their personal data. While we believe Ate Up With Motor does not technically meet any of the applicability thresholds specified by this California law, we are committed to providing visitors with as many privacy choices as we reasonably can.
If you have questions or would like to exercise these rights, you can contact us via a message here or via one of the feedback mechanisms on the Ate Up With Motor website. Please note that the deletion of certain data can only be accomplished by Facebook, not by us, and that we may be obliged to retain certain data for legal, administrative, or security reasons.

Disclosure of Personally Identifying Information

Ate Up With Motor discloses personally identifying and potentially personally identifying information regarding Page visitors only:

  • As part of journalistic or historical accounts (and/or in the course of researching and writing same), if you are or were involved with the subjects of one or more of our automotive articles. For instance, if you are an automotive stylist, engineer, or executive, your name and certain biographical and professional details may be included in our articles about one or more cars you worked on. In most cases, this information is drawn from sources that were already publicly available at the time of writing, but it may also include corrections, clarifications, or additional details either provided by you or obtained from third parties (which may include images such as publicity photos or official portraits). Our research and writing process routinely involves sharing and discussing this type of biographical information with third parties such as (without limitation) subject matter experts, other automotive writers or historians, journalists, enthusiasts/collectors, librarians, and archivists, as well as looking up names and other relevant personal details in online or offline electronic resources such as search engines and library catalogs.
  • In the case of photographs in which you (and/or information such as your car’s license plate number) may be visible. Most of the photos we use on Ate Up With Motor were taken in public places, not always by us, and may include visible bystanders and/or potentially personally identifying information about them (such as their car’s license plate number). It is not always possible for us to completely obscure bystanders or potentially identifying information in photos, either for technical reasons or because we don’t have the legal right to modify that image. In most cases, we have no reasonable way to identify such individuals or of associating the photos in which they appear with other information about them. If you have recognized yourself (or your information) in a photo on Ate Up With Motor or this Page and would like us to remove or obscure it, please contact us!
  • To appropriately credit you for the use of your photos or other content, particularly where such credit is required by the applicable license terms.
  • In the context of an Acknowledgment of User Assistance, as described above.
  • Where that information is already publicly available, either on this Page or in other publicly accessible sources (such as your website or published books or news articles about you).
  • If we are required by Facebook to do so.
  • To our contractors, business partners, or service providers (some of whom may be located outside your home country — by using this Page, you consent to the transfer of such information to them) that (i) need to know that information in order to perform a service on our behalf and (ii) that have agreed not to disclose it to others.
  • If we are required by law to do so (for example, if we receive a subpoena, court order, or other government order requiring us to disclose certain information).
  • If we believe in good faith that disclosure is reasonably necessary to protect our property, rights, or safety, or the property, rights, or safety of third parties or the public at large.
  • If the information is de-identified or aggregated such that it could not reasonably be used to identify you.
  • If you authorize us to do so.

While no online website or Internet-accessible service can be 100 percent secure, Ate Up With Motor takes reasonable and appropriate measures to protect against the unauthorized access to, use, alteration, or destruction of personally identifying and potentially personally identifying information.
If you have questions about this policy, please contact us here or via the Contact Form on the Ate Up With Motor website (https://ateupwithmotor.com/contact-form/).

Business Transfers

If we sell or transfer control of Ate Up With Motor, or substantially all of its assets, or if we enter bankruptcy, any visitor information we have gathered through this Page may be among the assets that are transferred to or acquired by third parties. Alternatively, in the event Ate Up With Motor goes out of business due to our death or incapacity, such information may pass instead to our heirs, successors, and/or assigns, where applicable. In either case, any acquirer(s) of Ate Up With Motor could continue to use your personal information as set forth in this policy.

Privacy Policy Changes

Ate Up With Motor may change this Privacy Policy from time to time, at our sole discretion. If we make material changes to this policy (other than editorial changes such as the correction of typographical errors), we will post a notice to that effect on the Ate Up With Motor Facebook Page. The date of this most recent version will be shown below. Your continued use of this site after any change in this Privacy Policy will constitute your acceptance of such change.

Effective date of this version: Nov. 9, 2018

Revision Log:

  • Nov. 9, 2018: Updated the first item of the Disclosure section to indicate that our research process may involve sharing or discussing relevant personal information with third parties.
  • Nov. 6, 2018: Clarified wording of Legal Bases for Collecting and Using Information (changed “such as records of your granting us permission to use one of your images” to “such as our need to keep records of image use authorizations or other permissions you give us”). Updated Cookies to note that embedded content providers may place cookies. Added Embedded Content section. Under Disclosure, changed “… to protect the property, rights, or safety of Ate Up With Motor, third parties, or the public at large” to “… to protect our property, rights, or safety, or the property, rights, or safety of third parties or the public at large.” Added an additional example to Embedded Content section about providers detecting add-ons such as ad blockers and made some minor editorial refinements to the new text.
  • Oct. 7, 2018: Clarified Disclosure to emphasize that photos may contain potentially identifying information as well as visible bystanders. Updated Business Transfers for clarity and to note that this provision would also apply to our heirs/successors/assigns in the event of our death or incapacity.
  • Oct. 4, 2018: Added a note to Your Rights about the new California privacy law. Fixed a typo in Disclosure section and noted that we may also disclose information about you that is already publicly available. Changed the wording related to the measures we take to protect information.
  • Aug. 10, 2018: Added section about processing of information outside of Facebook. Updated Disclosure section to add information about our web host and mobile carrier and changed “In response to a subpoena, court order, or other governmental request to do so” to “If we are required by law to do so (for example, if we receive a subpoena, court order, or other government order requiring us to disclose certain information).” Added a link under Data Retention to that section of the website Privacy Policy. Added “to conduct research into the subjects of our articles” to Legal Bases for Collecting and Using Information. Fixed some obnoxious formatting errors. Fixed a typo in Disclosure: “potentially personally identifying formation” was supposed to say “potentially personally identifying information.”
  • June 18, 2018: Added more information about Information Facebook Provides, noted that we may gather personally identifying information where it is reasonably necessary for our legal protection or security (e.g., to prevent spam, fraud, abuse, and electronic attacks directed at us or our users).
  • June 13, 2018: Clarified that Data Retention applies to this Page.
  • June 12, 2018: Fixed potentially confusing Automattic attribution information. (No changes to actual terms.)
  • June 11, 2018: Updated Disclosure of Personally Identifying Information section to cover people who are the subjects of articles or appear in photos, and to note that we may disclose de-identified or aggregated information.
  • May 28, 2018: Clarified that messages, posts, and comments may be stored outside of Facebook. Corrected formatting and editorial errors and restored inadvertently omitted text in “Your Rights.” Clarified that we may disclose personally identifying information if we believe it may be necessary for our safety or the safety or another person or the public.
  • May 19, 2018: Made further updates in an attempt to comply with GDPR requirements, based in part in the new Automattic terms effective May 25, 2018.
  • April 4, 2017: Updated links from http to https.
  • December 28, 2015: Noted effective date of Automattic policy from which this was adapted. Editorial correction.
  • December 24, 2015: Extensive revamp based on Automattic Inc. privacy policy. Added Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 International licensing.
  • December 21, 2015: Added Effective Date and provision that substantive updates will be announced via a post on the page.
  • November 25, 2014: Original Facebook Privacy Policy added.

Again, this is an archived HTML conversion of the separate privacy policy for the Ate Up With Motor Facebook page, originally published here. For the current Ate Up With Motor Privacy Policy that applies to THIS website and its related services, click here!

Updated: May 9, 2022 — 7:51 am